CEF Teaching Materials offer a systematic approach to Bible teaching.
Each lesson includes built in Biblically sound Gospel presentations and growth applications. The printed Bible lessons come as two separate products, the full-color lesson visuals and the teacher text. Most customers need the teacher text so they know what to teach. The Bible Verses, party club lessons, and Missionary Stories are included in this 75% off sale. Enjoy this opportunity to not only help the ministry, but to reach children and fulfill God's plan for spreading His True Word!
Bible Lesson Visuals and Texts
Party Club Lessons
Memory Verses
"Moses, The Lawgiver" Visualized Bible Verses
"David's Reign" Visualized Bible Verses
"Beginnings" Visualized Bible Verses
"Elijah, Prophet of the Living God" Visualized Bible Verses
Missionary Stories
In Kurku, India, Ringu and his family live in fear of sickness, evil spirits and wild animals until missionaries shared with them the power of the one true God. Based on the facts of Ringu's story, children can experience life in a faraway land and develop a heart for reaching the lost.
"Ti-Fam: Witch Doctor's Daughter"
When missionaries come to Ti-Fam's village in Haiti, she chooses Christ over superstition. This five-chapter missionary story is based on fact and creatively shares the Gospel with children through the salvation of Ti-Fam and her father. Show children how God's love can change even the hardest hearts!